Tuesday, June 28, 2011

As both wrestlers & wrestling fans around the world continue to buzz this afternoon about CM Punk's "shoot" on RAW last night, I offer the question: WHAT IF....CM Punk stays, & John Cena becomes a heel?

Cena turning heel has been a subject broached by many, largely due to the reactions he gets on Tv & PPV. While Cena is huge source of merchandising income, due to his rabid popularity with kids, the PPV audience, is largely compromised of 25-40 year old males, to which he does not appeal.

Momentum is a huge thing in any form of entertainment, & wrestling even moreso- how many times has WWe failed to capitalize these past few years on a performer who had tremendous momentum? If you said alot, you would be understating it.

 Failing to capitalize of such momentum, due to their own stubborness & narrow view of what a "top guy" should be, has cost the WWE millions in revenue these last several years ( something that Punk essentially pointed out last night)

but lets pretend for a moment that the next several weeks are done similiarly ( but not exactly) like the rise of Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1997- shows filled with Punk asserting his beliefs, while interviewers are asking questions of Cena, similiar to how celebs & politicians are hounded? How about an interview with Vince himself, with a photo of him & Cena posing together....at the gym together....fishing together...you get the point.

Cena would ultimately have to face the accusations front & center, "half heartedly" trying to convince us ( actually, his usual promo style would probably do fine- and if at all possible, " overscript" the overscripting- in other words, take the lame material provided for him, & amp it up, so it becomes obvious that hes trying "too hard" to convince us he isn't a puppet or kiss ass.

Most likely, the direction is already set- but imagine this: during the end of their upcoming bout, Cena wen tfor the FU- but Punk's foot nails the referee. Cena goes to help the ref, but Punk hits the GTS- still no ref. Punk helps the ref this time, Cena hits his move again,but Punk kicks out,and  on the kick out, Cena lands on the ref.

The groggy ref is helped away, and the match continues....and a new ref is sent. During the ensuing chaos, where agents & officials are ringside, someone very important remains- Vince McMahon. Punk once again hits the GTS, but McMahon hits the ring, in an attempt to protect his "Boy"...Punk pops Vince, but Cena, groggy & obviously beaten, gets handed a weapon- by none other than Triple H.

Cena retains the title, while flanked by the men who represent his current boss & his future boss- VKM & Triple H.

Punk leaves as he siad he would, but ideally, the fans would create a huge stir, demanding his return, & his just due return match with Cena for the title- at Summerslam!

What you think? Throw the ideas ot here folks!


A second ref is ordered down to the ring- not by Vince, but

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