Thursday, June 16, 2011

TNA had a ppv this past sunday...WWE has one this sunday...I haven't watched either of their programs in weeks...Didn't watch the former, safe bet that I won't be watching the latter.

I got to thinking a few minutes ago that some of you might be interested in how to "build an angle" that draws people into the building; now, keep in mind, that drawing money for an independent wrestling outfit is far different than a major national company to do so- That in mind, I want to revisit a angle that played out in CPW during 2007-2008: Leslie Leatherman  vs. myself, Sexy Shane Shadows.

What we had here, for wrestling fans of the Keyser-Romney-Moorefield, Wv were two totally opposite wrestlers: LL was a big powerful brute, akin the the "old school" brawlers of yesteryear. Myself, while not small by any means, comparatively smaller, but the face of the franchise, if you will, in this case the perrenial crowd favorite, a real throwback babyface that tried to represent the people on every occasion.

We had a backstory: LL won the CPW title from me when he worked over my injured knee ( courtesy of a match with WWE Hall of Famer Greg "The Hammer" Valentine earlier in the day) &, during an ill advised bodyslam attempt, the knee buckled and ended my championship reign.

At this point, LL had held the CPW for over a year, but recently lost to Jake Davis, his former partner in The Highwaymen tag team. A year long build up to their break up lead to a series of matches that were known in the area for their brutality & lack of control...referees were injured in consecutive return bouts. Enter SSS.

I was "Appointed" special guest referee for what was slated to be the final bout in the series-special referees, when used properly, can & usually do lead to the next programs....and this time, we were gonna create two new top programs for CPW- Jake Davis vs. Griffen, the big monster, & SSS vs. LL.

After my officiating lead to Davis successfully defending the title, a series of events unfolded which lead to the four aforementioned competitors in a "Anything Goes" tag team match, Texas Tornado style, which meant their would be no tags required & all weapons were allowed.

This was a particularly tough match, which ended when LL gave me not one, not two, but THREE piledrivers on a metal chair, causing me to get carried away on a stretcher & potentially ending my wrestling days.

I sat out the following event, which was to be a Four Way match for the title with the three aforementioned; I didn't even make an appearance, & the local fans were told that I was likely finished- they had seen the last of me, of which Leatherman gloated.

WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy "Booogie Woogie Man" Valiant made an appearance at the following show, not to wrestle, not the referee, but to talk about what had happened to me  & why it was so close to his heart.

See, Valiant explained to the CPW fans, that when he was a younger man, wrestling out west, he used this particular piledriver & permenantly injured another wrestler, and he had lived in regret with it ever since. Not only that, SSS was a close friend , & he wanted the chance to tell LL how he felt.

Leatherman enetered the ring, full of the type of pride only a man that hunts for thrills can have; cocky,boastful, proud of his achievements. LL then told Boogie that, as a child, he was a big admirere of His, but...that he wasn't a child anymore & that, unless Jim wanted hurt, perhaps he should mind his own business....Valiant basically told everyone that he "said his peace" & tried to walk away...until Leatherman tried to assault him, to which Boogie responded with several haymakers that brought the crowd to its feet, until LL cut him off & went for the killing blow: the piledriver.

As LL got the Hall of Famer in position for the dreaded move, the same move that severely injured SSS two months before, a collective sound of horror hit the room..then, unexpectedly, & wearing street clothes, SSS hit the ring, saving Valiant, & we traded punches to each others head that can still be felt to this day.

The locker rooms emptied, referees were thrown across the hardwood floors, but this thing was not yet over- and as I told the crowd in Keyser that night, it had only just begun.

I thought Valiant was a key aspect to getting this over as a serious issue: known for being joival & comical in all his appearances, Valiant's low tone conveyed what serious business this issue was: he told us, convincingly, that the piledriver used to be banned in 18 states. He wasn't there to play this night.

Part Two coming soon...

Until next time

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