Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day to each and every one of my 10 readers...and beyond! :)

No matter your political affiliation, your beliefs, etc, I sincerely hope that we can all agree that we live in the best country in the world, & pay tribute to those whom have fought to keep us free...

Had alot of fun yesterday, as CPW kicked off its summer season with a good card at the Big Bear Lake Camplands in Bruceton Mills,Wv.... I'd like to thank the 100 plus fans who help make it a exciting afternoon for us all.

TNA has recently "revamped" their name,logo, & slogan, and as time wears on, the name "TNA" will gradually disappear, replaced by the term "IMPACT" ( the name of their tv show) & using their new mantra- "wrestling matters".

While I yet to see the videos clips featuring wrestling greats like Ric Flair & Mick Foley speaking at length on the new dogma, I can't help but think I concur with their statements- however....

Slogans do not have to be 100% true, but it definitely helps if there is at least some strain of truth in the advertising- yet, during a 2 hour broadcast this past Thursday, a whopping total of 22 minutes of actual wrestling (matters) action made the cut in a 2 hour broadcast.

TNA's biggest problem is that their are two heads running two different aspects of their business- tv shows & live events- and the two sides don't bother to coordinate with the other.

Example- Often at the live events, wrestlers who have been cast as heels on tv work as babyfaces, and vice versa. The reported mindset about this is laughable- most of the wrestlers cast as heels are former WWE names that people come out to see live, so therefore, you should cast them as such.

With PPV buyrates a a all time pathetic level ( under 20,000 buys average, which puts them in the range of pre taped MONSTER JAM type PPVS) you would think that someone, ANYONE would understand this simple principle: if TNA itself doesnt care enough to keep things cohesive, why the hell would the paying customer?

TNA can tell me that "wrestling matters", but what are they doing the back up these claims? By continuing to have 20 minute long skits where Hulk Hogan,Eric Bishoff, & (fill in blank of name of this months PPV main eventer) talking about insider stuff that has NEVER drawn money? Following Orlando Jordan around while he tries on dresses?

Wrestling does matter- as anyone who has had the good fortune to watch the greats like Bruno Sammartino, Terry & Dory Funk, Harley Race, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Etc can attest. IF you care about something, it matters.

Enter Vince Russo, the "head writer" for TNA-a man with a proven track record of having no understanding,comprehension or respect for the work of the aforementioned greats ( or countless unmentioned others) how in the hell can a guy like this help reshape your companies image & help it reinforce its new mantra? 

Keep in mind that the biggest issue with TNA, by its own admission (by the pure fact they are changing a name they established over the last 9 years)  is the way it is perceived by wrestling fans-those same fans that have been turned away & turned off by years of bad "writing", ideas,  angles, & gimmick match overkill- all of which, by the way, was put together by Vince Russo.

Heres a piece of advice that I have given about a dozen different upstart area independent promotions, & I think its appropriate to pass this along to TNA, as the venture out into a new brand name & new slogan....and its so simple,no one has bothered to follow the advice.

LIVE BY YOUR PHILOPSOPHY- if wrestling truly matters, and you want the public to take your new hook, try this: have the wrestlers wrestle. Not all just matches-obviously, interviews & personalities sell as well- but spend the next 6 months putting on the best matches at your disposal.

I once heard a story about one big time wrestling booker going to another former booker under his employ, asking how to get the struggling territory off its ass- and the advice was "put your best against the best". Put a little spin on it, use good finishes ( not necessarily the most creative finishes) & bring people back in. And then, keep them coming in.

Pick your players- figure out who has the best chance of drawing the  money, if hes positoned properly, and put him with the guy who is gonna bring out his best.

Creativity is the single most overrated aspect of booking wrestling- yet, its the one thing everyone wants to do- come up with the most clever ideas to attempt to move things forward...and they doesnt usually work.

After those 6 months of rebranding & rebuilding an fan base tired of being insulted by the stupidity, you throw them - drumroll please-  an angle. Not just any angle, or some lame brained dipshit idea that you picked up by watching an episode of JACKASS, something very basic, easy to understand, & easy for the paying fan to get behind.

(Tv Pitchman voice) And watch how the audience grows! Higher ratings! Better PPV buyrates! Stronger house show attendence! Actual merchandise revenue!

Wrestling DOES matter- but only if the guys in control MAKE it matter!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. again i agree with you. the best angle going into wrestlemania was also the best match that did not involve a title and that was cm punk vs randy orton. there was everything in the story and it envolved personel lives that was deep seeted back years.
    the bad part is, one of the boys (punk) had to come to 'creative' and remind them of this. but there is revolving door in that department anyway so it doesnt suprise me.
    i wish more of the guys were able to do their own storylines b/c somehow it would have to be better then the crap that we see week in and week out.
    some of the best storylines ive seen have involved personal/real life "angles" like what's goingon in TNA right now with JJ and Angle. Its a story line that I have cared about b/c its close to my personal life and am 'rooting" for Angle at the PPV. Its the only real storyline that has any legs that has spawned a life of more then 3 weeks it seems.
    one thing i learned from "pops" is that when you cut a promo and you dont know what to say...just shoot on 'em. its always gonna be more beleiveable then anything you could ever make up that you want people to buy from your schtick.
