Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I hope everyone has enjoyed the last few blogs....I know sometimes maybe I come across as a know it all or a bitter, angry, aging wrestler/booker/promoter who doesn't understand how the entire business has "evolved"- and I could see how someone could make those observations.

 One thing everyone who knows me understands is that I love Pro Wrestling- I have since I was a kid, and continue to do so. Much like a loved one, there will be moments that you dislike or disagree with, but you learn to learn how to work thru them, because it means that much to you. When it doesn't matter, you walked away from it.

I wouldn't yet catagorize myself as a "disenfranchised" wrestling fan- I still watch, although not with the regularity of the past. I love watching live matches- the house shows- because, while the direction of the tv shows is largely adhered to, you largely have nothing but action- and given that most of the tv direction these days leaves alot to be desired, action is the only remaining aspect of pro wrestling to enjoy.

And the athletes are top notch- I take a look at some of the talent on WWE & TNA tv & enjoy their athleticism- I just wish that there was more storytelling involved. The moves are beautiful- but sometimes theres so many of them, its hard to follow or get behind one wrestler or another-because lost in all the spectacularness is the fact that alot of these guys aren't showing me their likeable (or dislikable) personality traits.

I shared this opinion awhile back with a young guy who wrestles for me & I'm quite found of- I told him to try to cut back on moves & focus on telling a story- painting a picture, if you will- that expresses the difference between a  "babyface" and a "heel" , in addition to a"simulated fight" & a "real fight".

The frequent quote I used with guys is this, depending on the situation: "If you were in a bar & someone hit on your wife, what would you do? Would you throw a hard punch, or would you jump up on the bar, do a flip, & then hit the guy?" That, to me, represents the difference between a "simulated match" and a "real match".

Obviously, I realize they are all "simulated" situations- but I feel that by removing the basics of real life confrontations from the equation, what you find is the skelton of true conflict, but without the guts, the things that truly make up the heart & soul of conflict- real true feelings & emotions.

Make no mistake, feelings & emotions control each & every one of us- and those feelings & emotions are the things that pro wrestling are supposed to use- to get you to spend your hard earned dollar to watch how the conflict plays out.

Example: One of the tried & true wrestling "angles" is the "you stole my girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/hubby" angle...but after you watching this unfold on tv, if they have done it properly, if you care about the participants involved, how should the match play out?  Certainly, this situation doesn't call for alot of spectacular high flying and dangerous moves- it calls for a hard punches, kicks, & maybe a little bloodshed.

Why? Does this require an aswer? Because this how it usually ends up in real life- and the closer you play it to real life, the more money you draw....And the more money you draw, the better.

Honestly, theres only a certain percentage of people who want to watch the match for the match....the rest of the fans need to be drawn in by the events that set up the match- and those events dictate whether you are willing to spend $49.95 to watch it all take place.

Usually, the matches between two guys will happen in a similiar way every time- a patternized way of working that sets up for crowd pops- everyone has their trademark stuff- but really, do you pay to see it every time?  Very few do- and why? Because wrestling is an "impulse buy" for most- its how the bookers & writers play on your gut, your mind, and your heart....to make you act on that impulse.

And based on the levels of interest, ppv buys and so forth, the business hasn't been doing a very good job of converting  watchers of free tv shows into paying customers of the product.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. I agree, its the same thing week in and week out Shane. Last week when Christian won the belt, 3 superstars showed up and challenged him toa title shot.

    3 short days on Raw it was the same thing all over,but just added a slight twist and added one person and a laptop made a decision not the crowd. (side note, am i the only one who saw it a mile away that Orton would win the crowd approval for the title match seeing his was in ther with a heel and a person no one cares about?

    Its very repeditive and its not getting any better and theres to many people that will watch it for them to think that they would change it.

    Its good that they are bringing in new faces or at least changing the roles of certain workers i.e R Truth which with his look should have been a heel from day one, but i am no where near droping a tank of gas to watch something every month or twice a month if i watch TNA ppv's when i can read the internet results, find a free link on line or just watch it the next night on that show
