Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Roll Call

Greetings to all! As we sit upon the cusp of yet another brand new year,I'd like to take a few moments to make mention of the highlights ( and lowlights) of 2010.

Losing a loved one is always as tough pill to swallow, even when that loved one had been hurting & suffering for a long time. I always thought of my grandfather, Dukes Dayton, whom we lost this past year, as a charismatic, funny,ornery guy with a great love for his family. While I wasn't as close to him as other members of my family, I did love him very much & enjoyed listening to his stories about a wide variety of experiences....He helped entertain me for 38 years, and when I look at myself, I see alot of him in me- and that can't be all bad. We miss you, Pap.

For any of you who ever had the chance to meet Bobby Keller's dad, Mike, you already know what a fun loving,generous, & funny guy he was- I never once saw Mike & he didn't ask me How I was or how my family was-He was that kind of guy; you knew he actually cared, and wasn't just making conversation. I know my buddy is struggling this season, his first without his dad, and I'd just like to remind him that guys like his father are NEVER forgotten.

2010 had its highs & lows, like any other year, and now, that I've paid proper respect to those losses, I'd like to mention a few others:

Wrestling Version
1) the friendship & loyalty of my dear friends Doug,Gene, Doc,Buddah, Patrick & Bobby- the times we have spent together have created memories I will never forget. Thanks for another year,boys!

2) getting the opportunity to really get to know a few guys who have proven to be the kind of guys who are honest, above board, loyal, & completely selfless: so a tip of the cap to Billy DeFalco, Tony Lowe, Mike Noland, Brian & Becky Noonan.

3) having the chance to see that everyone isn't appreciative of what you have helped them accomplish- I appreciate the eye opening experience ( no names necessary)

4 ) the chance to become associated with some tremendous young talent, Jesse Wilkes & John Skylar in particular. I truly hope you guys are amongst the guys who lead wrestling once your time comes.

5) the promoters that allow me to live out the dream of a 8 year old kid- special thanks to John & Erin Keck, Dudley Baker,Dick Caricofe, Mike Dimuzio & Derek Huffman in particular.

6) Jimmy Valiant- a great talent & great guy. The favor you did for me is wrestlings highest, and I appreciate it immensely

Family Version
1) Kari- a broken,battered man appeared at your door one night, and, you have saved him.... I love you sweetie!

2) Jeff,Ashlyn,Dylan,Dalton,& Donavan- I love you all. I'm So lucky to have you, and have the relationship I have with each of you.

3) Mom & Dad- for all the love & understanding two people could POSSIBLY muster...

4) Shawn,Cherie,Rachel,& Ryan- I love you all; thanks for always being there, especially when I've been kicked down

NON- Family version
1) Iron Joe,Jamie, & Nat- my three oldest friends- my best to you & your families; I hope to see you all very soon
2) Paulie- the funniest bastard alive-and the toughest too

Celeb version:
1) Sarah Palin,Bristol Palin, & Kate Gosselin- your stupidity has provided me hours of entertainment; watching you all has given not only myself, but millions of other talentless morons hope that, with whining,bad quotes, hair extensions & ballroom dancing, we too can also reach celeb-hood.

2) Oprah- starting tomorrow, we can all watch an entire network dedicated to your big fat ass, er , ego.
I can hardly wait for "The Color Purple, Part 2- Oprah's Ankles" coming this summer

3) Brett Favre- another favorite target of mine; actually, Brett was slated to "guest - blog" for me today, but, remarkably, changed his mind. Probably for the best- I'm a little concerned what type of pictures may have ended up on here....

4) Cab Calloway- no particular reason, I just loved his performance in the Blues Brothers....heidi heidi heidi hi!

Now, if I've missed anyone, I truly apologize, from the bottom of my heart...that should at least slow up any hate emails or nasty texts....:)

So until next time, or next year......


1 comment:

  1. From Cherie:
    Happy New Year Shane! We love you too! You're the best brother anyone could hope to have :)
